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Re: [News] Microsoft-funded 'Census' Finds Lots of GNU/Linux and Free Software

After takin' a swig o' grog, Mark Kent belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Census Reveals the Top 20 Open Source Packages
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| The other day we reported findings from the Open Source Census--a global 
>>| effort to track the number of installations of open source packages on 
>>| computers. Among the top-level findings were that open source is seeing broad 
>>| adoption in Europe and in finance. The census has also made available a list 
>>| of the top 20 open source packages found in its scans of thousands of 
>>| computers. Here are the packages that made the top 20 list.     
>> `----
>> http://ostatic.com/173587-blog/census-reveals-the-top-20-open-source-packages
> This list has Firefox on 83% of scanned computers (top of the list).
> Bottom of the top-ten is Samba on a mere 40% of scanned computers.

According to Moshe, though, OpenOffice must be "tanking" -- it's only at
45%, barely above Perl.

Anyway, the big surprise to me is that OpenSSL is so low.

* joeyh installs debian using only his big toe, for a change of pace
		-- in #debian-boot

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