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Re: [Rival] Google's Office Killer is Already Killing Office

nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Well, Roy, you know you're doing something right when you bring out
> the trolls like this.
> I think Microsoft is plenty worried about Google, even before Chrome.
> That's what the whole Yahoo affair was about.  Ballmer's threats to
> "kill" Google don't sound so scary now, do they?
> BTW, I can already see the propaganda attack on Chrome starting.  It
> will offer no improvement, it will be less secure than IE (!!) etc
> etc.
> Nevertheless, in its first day of operation, Chrome already captured
> 1% of the market.  IE was down (again), even before Chrome.

Indeed, but let's be logical about this,

*Why* would Google release a Windows version ahead of a Mac and/or a Linux

I mean, this makes no sense at all, does it?
Windows is exactly the platform that *already* has I.E.7 and I.E.8.
- so surely Windows users will be the people who will *not* change to Chrome?

Is that logical?;-)

...so what does Google know (or think) that we don't to cause Google to waste
time and money like this?

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