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Re: [News] VMware Puts Microsoft Copycat to Shame: More Than Double the Performance

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____/ Phil Da Lick! on Monday 01 September 2008 19:43 : \____

> Phil Da Lick! wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Microsoft the King of bloat. Twice the specs doing half the job.
>> Always have been. Makes me money WTF their programs are actually doing.
>> When you look at the difference in performance between PIIIs and today's
>> processors and the difference in capability between Office 97 and Office
>> 2007 it's staggering. It's bloody ridiculous.
> money=wonder. Fsck knows where that typo came from!

I couldn't find a quote I was looking for. Something along the lines of: there
was never a chip whose capacity Gates couldn't drain.

I found this though:

When you taunt the referee, he usually
watches you even more closely. That’s what happened to Microsoft, whose
“up yours!” attitude toward the Department of Justice has inspired
investigators to dig even deeper. Now they’re looking at Microsoft’s
efforts to take over Java. These relentless investigations sap
Microsoft, and distract the DOJ from worse dangers such as Intel. And
Microsoft’s childish, insulting behavior is largely to blame.

By:     Jesse Berst

Reference:      ZDNet Anchordesk

Comment:        Indeed, Intel fights those delivering
“plug-compatible” products by defining new and closed interfaces to
keep them at bay. Furthermore, Intel is alleged to be not very pretty
to small companies producing specialized chips that dependent on Intel.
But then, these practices are familiar from Microsoft too, and …
Intel at least has plug-compatible competition, which Microsoft has not.

- -- 
"There's a lot of Linux out there -- much more than Microsoft generally signals
publicly -- and their customers are using it..." --Paul DeGroot, a Directions
On Microsoft analyst.
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