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[News] Big GNU/Linux Distro Shower Approaching

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The upcoming release season

,----[ Quote ]
| As has been tradition in the distribution development circles, the arrival of 
| September usually means one thing: a highly intensive testing period prior to 
| a big flurry of distribution releases. These will start hitting the download 
| mirrors in the following months, making the time between late September and 
| Christmas the most eagerly anticipated period of the year by all 
| DistroWatchers. Fancy a fresh distro full of updated packages? Enjoy 
| discovering what new features and exciting enhancements the developers have 
| integrated into their products? Eager to exchange the look and feel of your 
| desktop for something fresher and crispier? Then you are at the right place.        


A great new distribution to try every month. With Windows, one has to wait 
years for a downgrade (Vista).

Debian Is Live Now!

,----[ Quote ]
| It's time to rejoice for Debian lovers -- Debian is live now! Windows and Mac 
| users now have the option to try one of the world's most stable and powerful 
| operating systems on their machines -- that too for free!  


Hugely popular in Brazil (used by millions).


Deploying KDE [+Debian GNU/Linux] to 52 million young people

,----[ Quote ]
| By the end of this year 29,000 labs serving some 32,000,000 students will be
| fully deployed and in active use.
| By the end of next year (2009) those numbers will have swelled to 53,000 labs
| serving some 52,000,000 students.


Feeling the heat at Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| If I ask you who is Microsoft's biggest competitor now, who would it be?
| Ballmer: Open...Linux. I don't want to say open source. Linux, certainly have
| to go with that.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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