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Re: Linux really catching on

On 2008-09-17, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> ____/ Rex Ballard on Wednesday 17 September 2008 21:09 : \____
>> I went to Circuit City up in Hanover NJ, yesterday, in hopes of
>> picking up one of those Acer Aspire Linux mini-laptops.  It seems that
>> the entire state of New Jersey was sold out, all stores.  There was
>> one store that had a display unit.
>> Not bad considering that they had about 30 of them in each store 2
>> weeks ago.
>> And no mark-downs either.  They got full retail price for all of the
>> machines.
>> They couldn't even back-order it, because Acer can't keep up with the
>> demand.
>> Not a bad start.
> Intel recently reported Atom shortages. The question is, why don't they fullow
> supply/demand rules and produce more Linpus-based Aspires?

Maybe for the same reason App-Hole deliberately shorted the iFone, and
Nintendo deliberately put out too few Wei: to keep a lot of hype going
so demand remains high enough to generate greater shortages, leading to
pumped-up sales.

Then again, it might have been genuine miscalculation, not intentional
creation of hyperbole. It's possible demand for linux (and these
machines) is far greater than even the most optimistic person ever
imagined, ever *could* imagine.

Exxon sponsored ecology videos, Kraft sponsored nutrition videos...
I'd be surprised if Microsoft isn't sponsoring technology classes.

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