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Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft is Not Buying Citrix and Novell (Yet)

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Is Microsoft buying Citrix? Novell!?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Given a choice in the matter, Microsoft would happily bury Linux and
> | open source in the IT trash-heap, but buying Novell wouldn't get them
> | one whit closer to that goal. That's one of the reasons why Microsoft
> | finds Linux so annoying. Unlike proprietary software companies, they
> | can't simply crush or buy it out of existence. As soon as they smashed
> | one open-source company, another would pop up with the exact same
> | software.
> | 
> | So, for now, they'll work grudgingly with Novell, but buy Novell? It's
> | just not going to happen. Now, if Microsoft 7, or Vista Mark Two as I'm
> | beginning to think of it, flops as badly as Vista, then maybe Microsoft
> | will start considering changing its way. So, talk to me again about
> | Microsoft buying Novell, or here's a scary thought, Red Hat, in two
> | years time and I might have a different answer. For now, though,
> | Microsoft is getting what it wants from both Citrix and Novell without
> | buying either one and that's more than good enough for the boys from
> | Redmond.
> `----
> http://blogs.computerworld.com/is_microsoft_buying_citrix_novell

Don't trust any of them. Their staff, management, tech guys, tech gurus,
sales staff are all cretins focused on moneterizing everything their way
under their own control and ideals. Open source doesn't allow them that
and they will loose and ruin everything they touch taking with them a whole
bunch of suckers like SuSE staff with glitter and gold that has no value
outside of their own circles. There was a time I had many SuSE distros.
Now everything is wiped clean and replaced with Linux distros that
have value closer to Open Source than to Micoshaft Corporation
funded Novel and their crappy infection which they still choose to
call in a dishonest way as SuSE.

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