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Re: [News] Microsoft's "Destroy Borland" Story Returns

Verily I say unto thee, that Matt spake thusly:
> Hadron wrote:

>> And they had a target audience - the PC. They were not interested 
>> in the same code compiling on a Cray. And why should they?
> Gosh, what a stupid question, especially asked of me, COLA's biggest 
> cross-platform axe-grinder.

In that respect I suppose I should support your cause, since (if you
research my posting history) you'll find that one the biggest axes I
grind is the need for a more diverse market, reversing the trends of
consolidation that produced Microsoft's current monopoly, and killed
off the Golden Age of computing. First and foremost I am an advocate
of choice. Consolidation destroys that Freedom.

However I have a much bigger axe to grind with Microsoft's unethical
behaviour, so although I'm more than happy to see many platforms all
thriving together with relative parity, Windows is not one of them.

Unlike Microsoft, I don't want any one platform to utterly dominate,
or even mostly dominate the market, including Linux, and I certainly
wouldn't advocate sabotaging the "competition" using bribery for the
sake of market share. But it seems that Microsoft does not share the
same moral principles; they're quite happy to behave like a bunch of
gangsters to achieve their goals, and our governments are apparently
quite happy to let them.

So as much as I advocate choice through diversity, Microsoft doesn't
deserve equal consideration. They forfeited that right long ago when
they perverted the software market into a racketeering operation, to
produce the monopoly they currently abuse to sabotage the struggling
remains of any choice that exists.

Please don't confuse my hatred of Microsoft for some quest for Linux
domination. I simply want freedom of choice, and parity for all, but
Microsoft will not allow it, which is why I hate them.


| "At the time, I thought C was the most elegant language and Java
|  the most practical one. That point of view lasted for maybe two
|  weeks after initial exposure to Lisp."   ~ Constantine Vetoshev

Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) on sky, running kernel
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