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Re: [News] World Day Against Software Patents Ends; Oracle a Patent Slammer

On 2008-09-25, Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In article <1398079.QovUVZI7x5@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>  Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> They are already in OIN, so it's unlikely that they'll ever use 
>> patents against something like MySQL. Microsoft, on the other hand, 
>> they can attack with their patents shall Microsoft not attack by 
>> proxy (Intellectual Vultures or Acacia-soft).
> So how come you can't point to a single instance of Microsoft attacking 
> anyone with a software patent?  (I mean a real, documented, instance.  
> Not one based on your thoroughly discredited theory that Acacia works 
> for Microsoft).

Ballmer has threatened Linux users with patents:


Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has sparked controversy by declaring that
Linux infringes on Microsoft's intellectual property.

Answering questions after a speech at a conference in Seattle, Ballmer
said Microsoft had been motivated to sign a deal with SuSE Linux
distributor Novell earlier this month because Linux "uses our
intellectual property" and Microsoft wanted to "get the appropriate
economic return for our shareholders from our innovation."


Now doesn't that sound like the mafia boss embarking on extortion?


Gentoo Linux - Penguin Power

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