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Re: There’s Nothing There

Homer wrote:

> Verily I say unto thee, that bbgruff spake thusly:
>> Homer wrote:
>>> Verily I say unto thee, that bbgruff spake thusly:
>>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>> ____/ Homer on Saturday 20 September 2008 03:27 : \____
>>>>>> Verily I say unto thee, that nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> spake thusly:
>>>>>>> <Quote>
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> ...I suspect what sparked the panic is that the Seinfeld
>>>>>>> ads were too good, too accurate at capturing just what it
>>>>>>> is that Microsoft, as a company and brand, stands for:
>>>>>>> nothing. </Quote>
>>>>>>> http://daringfireball.net/2008/09/theres_nothing_there
>>>>>> He stole my observation.
>>>>>> I demand my Intellectual Monopoly rights, Goddamit.
>>>>> Did you know about poetic patents? You can sue if someone
>>>>> 'steals' your analogy.
>>>> - but wouldn't that be making a mountain out of a molehill and
>>>> causing a storm in a teacup???
>>> They that dance must pay the fiddler.
>> Ah yes.... but a fool and his money are soon parted?
> You can't take it with you when you die.

True, true:-)
There again (desperately trying to get on topic!) when you think FOSS v.
prop,, there's an old addage:-

"A dollar saved is a dollar earned"

Actually, I always thing it should be "A dollar saved is TWO dollars earned",
in that saving a dollar (or a million) means that you don't pay tax on
that "income", nor have the costs of earning it.
- and of course, that saving is then available to spend on something else.
e.g., use Linux/FOSS, and you can actually afford an even better machine on
which to run it!

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