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[News] Sub-notebooks Market is Restored Using Low-cost PCs Running Linux Only

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Genie To Bottle Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| How far should Microsoft feel threatened by Linux? Quite a bit, if ARM's CEO 
| Warren East is to be believed. 
| "Today the Linux world is not as good as Microsoft from the point of view of 
| the user, but it's getting rapidly better," East told me this afternoon, "so 
| it will get to be as good as Microsoft and, when that happens, the genie will 
| be out of the bottle. Because Linux is much more cost-effective than 
| Microsoft. People will ask: 'Why do we use Microsoft?'"    
| East told the FT  recently that ARM "almost doesn't care" that ARM-based 
| netbooks will not be Windows-based, pointing out that if people find Linux 
| and Android just as good an experience as Windows, then Microsoft's 
| reluctance to get involved doesn't matter although "it's a dangerous missed 
| opportunity for them".    



Netbooks: Best of the Best

,----[ Quote ]
| The dominant Windows XP (which now runs about 80 percent of netbooks) will be
| challenged by Linux and Google's Andriod OS.


Are Linux netbooks really returned more often than Windows models?

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| But Philip Solis, an analyst at ABI Research, questions the "reliability" of
| this evidence.
| Solis said in a March research note that Taiwan's MSI had not yet shipped a
| Linux-based Wind at the time of the comment to the magazine. When it did, it
| did "adapt" the operating system for the netbook's smaller size -- an key
| ingredient to Linux's acceptance by consumers, Solis wrote.
| Acer, Asus and Dell have all built customized versions of Linux for their
| netbooks. Solis said that Asus has noted equal return rates for Linux
| netbooks versus those running Windows.
| And while ABI's surveys show U.S. consumers clearly stating their preference
| for Windows netbooks, Solis said that isn't true around the world.
| In Asia, netbook buyers are both thriftier and "and not as tied to the
| Windows environment," Solis said. "They're looking for certain features, but
| they aren't as tied to a certain brand name."
| Solis predicts an increase in Linux netbook shipments this year, from 25% to
| a third of the 35 million netbooks expected to sell globally this year. Under
| that estimate, Linux will be shipped on 11.5 million netbook PCs in 2009.
| Solis is bullish about his prediction because of the coming ARM wave. With
| Microsoft still balking at porting Windows 7 to ARM's mobile CPU, PC makers
| using ARM have no choice but to use Linux.

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