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Re: [News] Free Software Worth Hundreds of $Billions; Funding for Gnash

On 2009-04-28, Doctor Smith <iaintgotnostinkinemail@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Apr 2009 10:15:14 -0500, DFS wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> How many billions is open-source software worth?
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>> In other words, using OSS isn't about being anti-Microsoft or
>>>> believing in some sort of open-source ethical rightfulness, using
>>>> OSS is simply a smart business move. Indeed, at $387-billion in
>>>> value, OSS is twice as valuable as Microsoft's current net worth of
>>>> $183.5-billion. Not bad for 'free software' is it?
>>> `----
>>> http://blogs.computerworld.com/how_many_billions_is_open_source_software_worth
>> So that makes Linux/OSS one of, if not the, biggest financial failures the 
>> world has ever seen.
> Yea.
> Enron has nothing on Linux as far as failure is concerned.

     No one ever said that Linux would create a Robber Baron.

     Infact, that would be contrary to the whole point of Free Software.

       Unfortunately, the universe will not conform itself to 
your fantasies. You have to manage based on what really happens        |||
rather than what you would like to happen. This is true of personal   / | \
affairs, government and business.

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