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[News] Evidence That Linux is Original Work (Despite the Microsoft-sponsored Lie)

  • Subject: [News] Evidence That Linux is Original Work (Despite the Microsoft-sponsored Lie)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 08:48:19 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

No Minix code in Linux Ever -- More Evidence

,----[ Quote ]
| I saw an article the other day, repeating the mistaken view that there was 
| Minix code in an early version of Linux. I knew that was not true, because 
| for one thing Linus told us it was not true years ago. And Andrew Tanenbaum 
| confirmed that Linus didn't use any Minix code, as did Eric Raymond. But 
| here's some evidence for you cynics out there that I hope will settle that 
| issue once and for all. It will at least make our historical record on 
| Groklaw more complete. Anyway, it's our policy to provide all the evidence we 
| can find, because I know you'd like to see it for yourself, not just listen 
| to others' conclusions.        



Interview with Dr Andrew S Tanenbaum

,----[ Quote ]
| Andrew S Tanenbaum: A couple of years ago this guy called Ken Brown
| wrote a book saying that Linus stole Linux from me, from Minix,
| and therefore the intellectual property rights are unclear and
| therefore companies shouldn't use Linux because I might sue them.
| It later came out that Microsoft had paid him to do this --
| and I defended Linus. I wrote on my Web site saying that this
| guy Brown came through, visited me and I gave him the
| [correct] story.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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