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[News] FSFE, FSF and Other Groups Like Greenpeace Rally Against Software Patents in Germany

  • Subject: [News] FSFE, FSF and Other Groups Like Greenpeace Rally Against Software Patents in Germany
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 21:34:23 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

15. April in München: Aktionstag der Patentkritiker


Richard Stallman talks against software patents (1)


Richard Stallman talks against software patents (2)


The smallest unit of freedom: a Fellow

,----[ Quote ]
| Myriam Schweingruber is a devoted Free Software advocate with a flair for 
| convincing people. Having worked as a translator, a school teacher and a 
| pharmacist, Myriam is quite experienced in the art of communication, and 
| gives a clear impression of trustworthiness. She has been especially active 
| in the Swiss community, and helped found FSFE’s associate organisation, 
| Whilhelm Tux, where she also served as the President. I had a nice chat with 
| Myriam and asked her about some of the projects she’s involved in, as well as 
| her experiences promoting Free Software in Switzerland.       



Final judgment in the case of Unitedprint v. Vistaprint

,----[ Quote ]
| The German Federal Patent Court ruled to rescind Vistaprint’s controversial
| software patent, subject to paragraphs 99(1) PatG [Patent Act] and 709 ZPO
| [Code of Civil Procedure]. The verdict is now official and the judgment in
| question was published by the Court on March 25, 2009.
| The spokesperson from unitedprint.com SE, Andrea Fleischer stated: "The
| software sector can now breathe a sigh
| of relief.



German television 3sat has a reportage about software patents

,----[ Quote ]
| German television 3sat has a reportage about software patents. A german
| programmer highlights that software patents ruin investment in software
| development.


Quo Vadis, Patent Laws?

,----[ Quote ]
| Patent law became an issue that is debated not only within small circles, but 
| among a broad public. Not only, that software patents could stir one of the 
| biggest participation waves in policy decisions on the European level - it is 
| probably the first time that plans for patent reforms are debated during 
| American presidential primary campaigns. We asked James Babineau, an American 
| patent lawyer with Fish & Richardson, that opened an office in Munich a few 
| months ago, on the future of the patent systems on both continents.      


German government plans to ratify amendments to patent agreement

,----[ Quote ]
| Just before the meeting of diplomats, the EPO's administrative
| council called for a loosening of the exclusion of software from
| industrial patents. However, the EPO member states were not able
| to reach an agreement on this issue. The revised European Patent
| Agreement therefore still contains a clause in Article 52
| stipulating that computer programs do not "per se" qualify for
| patents. But the European Patent Office has been liberally
| interpreting this stipulation for some time; according to the
| German Economics Ministry, it currently issues some 6,000
| patents on "computer-implemented inventions." Such inventions
| include, for instance, improvements in a computer's memory
| management or greater image contrast by means of a mixed
| hardware and software solution; such inventions are
| considered worthy of protection because they allegedly promote
| the progress of technology.

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