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[News] The Essence of AGPLv3 and Why It's Important

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AGPL: Open Source Licensing in a Networked Age

,----[ Quote ]
| It’s tempting, then, to ask what problem is being solved by the Affero GPL. 
| But that would be facetious, and would serve to trivialize what could be a 
| real problem for some projects. Projects that are considerably less visible 
| than Linux or MySQL, for example, might require the protection that the AGPL 
| affords. For them, closing the loophole might seem like a life or death 
| matter. The difficulty will be in determining which the license will 
| guarantee: even as AGPL licensed protects are protected from those that would 
| use them without contributing, it also represents an insurmountable barrier 
| to entry for some potential players.        
| I’m glad then that the Affero GPL is an option, but I’m with Mark Radcliffe: 
| I wouldn’t look for it to compete with the GPL any time soon.  



GPLv3/AGPLv3 Adoption: If It Happened Too Fast, I'd Be Worried

,----[ Quote ]
| Since the release of GPLv3, technology pundits have been opining about how
| adoption is unlikely, usually citing Linux's still-GPLv2 status as (often
| their only) example. Even though I'm a pro-GPLv3 (and, specifically,
| pro-AGPLv3) advocate, I have never been troubled by slow adoption, as long as
| it remained on a linear upswing from release day onward (which it has).



AGPLv3 Keeps Open Source Vibrant in Age of SaaS

,----[ Quote ]
| For all practical purposes, the AGPLv3 is a key advance for everyone involved
| in open source, regardless of if you are a software developer, Internet end
| user or enterprise end user. The AGPLv3 closes the ASP loophole and keeps the
| freedom of open source software alive, in the age of SaaS and hosted
| applications.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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