After takin' a swig o' grog, Phil Da Lick! belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Jerry McBride belched out
>> this bit o' wisdom:
>>> Thufir Hawat wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 03 Apr 2009 18:40:57 +0000, 7 wrote:
>>>>> Mono and moonlight micoshaft crap should be removed on principle alond
>>>>> to send the best and strongest message to micoshaft - we can hit your
>>>>> pockets and it will give you mega hurtz.
>>>> And when someone releases a distro including mono and moonlight, what do
>>>> you do? Hold a good ol' fashion book/cd burning?
>>> I usually just remove it... Like I do on all my ubuntu installs...
>> Hell, on this new install (thank you, nVidia), I don't even have /gnome/.
>> (Or KDE.)
>> Maybe that's why it is so much faster.
> What DE you using?
Fluxbox. Here's what I like about it:
- Lean. Works well on the OLPC XO, for example.
- Extremely configurable.
- Allows a spare, clean look (e.g. minimal, or even absent, window
decorations), yet also supports some eye-candy (including
- Pretty much every mouse action can also be implemented with
My next favorite is xfce, and even in fluxbox, I keep xfce-mcs-manager
running to allow enhanced appearance and font control in applications.
So you're back... about time...