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Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft is Dying in Debt... Shuts Down MSN Encarta

After takin' a swig o' grog, chrisv belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

> Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>> Peter Köhlmann belched:
>>> DFS wrote:
>>>> High Plains Thumper wrote:
>>>>> To rephrase, "files must be shared in Office only format" is simply a
>>>>> myth.
>>>> The myth is OpenOffice is a suitable replacement for MS Office.
>>> That is not a myth. It is fact
>> Indeed.  An office will have more problems if one guy starts using
>> Office 2007 and saves in the default format, than they will if he starts
>> using OpenOffice, but understands to save in Office XP format.
> Don't you know that it's better to pay for M$ Office, year in and year 
> out, for all ETERNITY, rather than bite the bullet, switch-over to OO, 
> and if, God forbid,  some of your precious documents require a touch-up, 
> do so?

People /are/ funny!!

Q:	How do you know when you're in the <ethnic> section of Vermont?
A:	The maple sap buckets are hanging on utility poles.

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