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Re: [News] KDE Developers Strut Their Code

On Thu, 26 Feb 2009 20:50:35 -0700, High Plains Thumper wrote:

> Doctor Smith wrote:
>> DFS wrote:
>>> High Plains Thumper wrote:
>>>> DFS wrote:
>>>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>>> Deploying KDE to 52 million young people
>>>>>>> By the end of next year (2009) those numbers will have swelled to
>>>>>>> 53,000 labs serving some 52,000,000 students.
>>>>>> http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2008/04/deploying-kde-to-52-million-young.html
>>>>> Each Linux install magically multiplies by 1000!  It's the miracle
>>>>> OS!
>>>>> Rex Ballard: "Linux has the potential to double the world's global
>>>>> output every 2 years for 10 years."
>>>>> Ruben Safir:  Linux can "help assure the survival all of
>>>>>  mankind as a free, informed and tolerant civilization."
>>>> http://piacentini.livejournal.com/7871.html
>>>> [quote] As this first slide shows, until the end of this year there
>>>> will be already 29,000 labs deployed, serving approximately 36 million
>>>> students. This number grows to more than 53,000 by the end of 2009,
>>>> and at that time 52 million students will have access to them. You can
>>>> also see in the slide a solution that is being developed for
>>>> classrooms: a single hardware unit with integrated projector, cpu,
>>>> bundled content and DVD player. With it, digital content will no
>>>> longer be restricted to the info lab, and will be usable by teachers
>>>> in the traditional classrooms as well. [/quote]
>>>> http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/newss/6438/1/
>>>> Macedonia: A New Sun of Linux Freedom Rises In Macedonia, Edubuntu
>>>> Machines For Every Student
>>>> Brian Proffitt Monday, November 19, 2007 09:44:09 AM
>>>> [quote] According to the Macedonia Ministry of Education and Science,
>>>> more than 180,000 workstations running Edubuntu 7.04 have already
>>>> begun to be deployed to Macedonian students. The students will share
>>>> time on the computers, half in the morning and half in the afternoon.
>>>> [...]
>>>> Carr explained that this news was a long time in coming. Back in 2005,
>>>> a pilot version of the program was launched that put 5,000 Ubuntu
>>>> machines in 468 schools and 182 computer labs. That two-year pilot was
>>>> very successful, Carr said, which led to the implementation of the
>>>> full deployment this year.
>>>> This is not simply a victory for Linux on the desktop, but a direct
>>>> loss for Microsoft as well. In 2003, Macedonia entered into an
>>>> agreement with Microsoft to legalize copies of Windows that were at
>>>> that time unlicensed by the Macedonian government. Microsoft was also
>>>> to devote resources for translating more of Windows into the
>>>> Macedonian language. Details of the arrangement were never fully
>>>> disclosed, though presumably the translation did take place, because
>>>> Carr confirmed that, like Edubuntu, Windows XP was available in
>>>> Macedonian.
>>>> Despite XP's native-language capabilities, Carr did not seem the
>>>> slightest bit concerned about a possible operating system switchover
>>>> along the lines of what occured recently in Nigeria, when a planned
>>>> deployment of 17,000 Mandriva-loaded Classmate PC was almost derailed
>>>> by an unplanned switch to Windows XP on the Classmate machines.
>>>> In Macedonia, it's extremely unlikely that such an event would occur,
>>>> Carr said, because the Macedonian government had put so much time and
>>>> effort into researching the Edubuntu-based solution. [/quote]
>>>> http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS2824724304.html
>>>> [quote] Cost savings and carbon reductions
>>>> Compared to offering a similar number of individual PCs, Brazil was
>>>> able to save 60 percent in up-front costs, 80 percent in annual power
>>>> savings, as well as additional savings in administration and support
>>>> costs, says Userful. In addition, the Brazil deployment will save more
>>>> than 170,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually, or the equivalent of
>>>> removing 28,000 cars from the road, claims the company.
>>>> Stated Tim Griffin, President of Userful, "Userful is very happy to
>>>> have been selected to participate in this historic opportunity to help
>>>> millions of children get the computer education they need in a
>>>> sustainable way."
>>>> Stated Luiz Ferreira, President of ThinNetworks, "This project will
>>>> bring access to information technology to almost every young student
>>>> in Brazil." [/quote]
>>>> Carbon Reductions:  Posting about the benefits of Linux per charter
>>>> would reduce the methane emissions in COLA.
>>> <snip>
>>> Why do you keep quoting these silly Brazil and Macedonia stories?
> Truth hurts.
>>> You're a Windows user by day who nymshifts and pretends to "advocate"
>>> on cola by night.
> Anti-Charter statement.
>> High Plains Thumper is like a broken record. He repeats, and repeats,
>> and repeats etc.
> Flatfish drone.  Focus on the poster, not the post.
>>> And didn't you notice: these are both situations where the govt is
>>> forcing Linux on students.
> No forcing, agreed to by school boards, who are taking responsibility for
> the destiny of their children.  Stretch training resources, cost effective
> and wise use of monetary resources.  Kudos to Macedonia Government.  Kudos
> to Brasilian Government.
>>> When you grow up to be an adult and you have a choice, the vast
>>> majority choose Windows.
> Microsoft party line.  Macedonia did not choose Microsoft. Brasil did not
> choose Microsoft.  So both are immature, sad and truthless analogy.
>>> Virtually all businesses do.
> Virtually infers artificially.
>> The only way people will use Linux is if they are forced.
> Forced to purchase one-third of all netbooks sales, which have Linux?
>> When people are given the choice of Windows or Linux, they pick Windows.
> Like one-third of the netbook users that chose Linux?
>> And when people choose not to upgrade to Vista,
> Why?
>> they switch to the Mac instead of Linux.
> Diversion.

Well the troll is wrong, it would seem that people choose Linux rather
than a Mac. As Ballmer sees it, Linux is THE biggest competitor to
Windows, NOT Macs.


But of course, "Doctor Smith" is just a *troll* & since when did a troll
bother about what is *actually* happening.

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