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[News] War on Photographers and Sharers Out of Control

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No Photo Ban in Subways, Yet an Arrest

,----[ Quote ]
| Finished with his camera, Mr. Taylor, 30, was about to board the train when a 
| police officer called to him. He stepped back from the train. 
| “The cop wanted my ID, and I showed it to him,” Mr. Taylor said. “He told me 
| I couldn’t take the pictures. I told him that’s not true, that the rules  
| permitted it. He said I was wrong. I said, ‘I’m willing to bet your 
| paycheck.’ ”  
| Mr. Taylor was right. The officer was enforcing a nonexistent rule. And if 
| recent experience is any guide, one paycheck won’t come close to covering 
| what a wrongful arrest in this kind of case could cost the taxpayers.  


Pirate Bay: survey says that 80% of our torrents are legal

,----[ Quote ]
| Pirate Bay spokesman Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi took the stand today at his trial 
| and attacked the notion that The Pirate Bay is stuffed to the crow's nest 
| with illegal content. Not true, he said; his own survey of 1,000 torrents 
| suggested that most were legal.   



Pirate Bay prosecutor tosses infringement charges overboard

,----[ Quote ]
| Half of the charges made against the four men behind the notorious
| file-sharing website The Pirate Bay have been sensationally dropped on day
| two of the trial.



Linux-driven BitTorrent appliance ships

,----[ Quote ]
| Myka is shipping an embedded Linux device that downloads, stores, and plays
| BitTorrent media files on an attached TV. Available in 80GB, 160GB, and 500GB
| models, plus a Developer's Edition with a 1TB disk, the Myka appliances
| offload BitTorrent peer-to-peer duties from a PC.


Linux dev service offers free videos, "mainstreaming"

,----[ Quote ]
| Free Electrons has posted 32 free videos from last November's CELF Embedded
| Linux Conference Europe (ELCE). Additionally, the company says it will work
| for free to get any drivers or BSPs (board support packages) it is hired to
| create merged into the mainline Linux kernel.


Myka sneaks BitTorrent into the living room

,----[ Quote ]
| OK, perhaps not so sneaky, there's a nice big BitTorrent logo right up front,
| but Myka seems to be quite the end-to-end solution for getting those torrents
| up on the big screen. The box hooks up to the internet via LAN or WiFi,
| includes a 80GB, 160GB or a 500GB drive for storage and runs a torrent client
| on Linux.    


TorrentFlux.com - PHP BitTorrent Client for Linux

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| Open source torrent client TorrentFlux is made ready to be installed on Linux
| run servers.


EU Invests $22 Million in Next-Generation BitTorrent Client

,----[ Quote ]
| A few weeks ago we reported that the EU Greens launched a pro-filesharing
| campaign named “I Wouldn’t Steal”. In a continued effort to support the
| development of P2P technology, the European Union has now invested $22
| million in the development of an open-source BitTorrent client.  

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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