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[News] Damn 'the Children'... They Censor the Internet

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Et Tu, Lamar?

,----[ Quote ]
| That legislators are more than willing to sacrifice your civil liberties at 
| the Altar of Protecting The Children—it’s a political resume builder they can 
| take home to their ‘stitch-ee-unts, listed right there beneath helped fight 
| the war on terror and above took on the fat cats on Wall Street—isn’t even 
| really news anymore. It’s standard fare, really.    
| This bill specifically requires ISPs to retain for a period of two years 
| records identifying users assigned dynamic IP addresses at specific times. 
| It’s hard for detractors concerned about privacy, overreaching governmental 
| power and authority, and false accusations to object to providing law 
| enforcement with the necessary tools to track down child porn peddlers and, 
| well, users. (Personally, if we’re absolutely sure of it, I’d just as soon 
| have them tarred, feathered, and shot on sight—but this isn’t about that.)      


Watch the image at the bottom of this one. Microsoft.

Congress Wants WiFi Owners To Keep Log Files For 2 Years... For The Children



Comcast to shut down free Usenet access

,----[ Quote ]
| Comcast is just the latest of the large ISPs to buckle under to MAFIAA
| pressure from the music and movie cartels, but that doesn't mean that they
| deserve to get away with this.


Usenet: Not Dead Yet

,----[ Quote ]
| Over the last few years, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)
| and other organizations looking to eliminate the illegal swapping of digital
| media files have attacked the problem through the courts, publicity
| campaigns, and other means.


Comcast, NetZero latest providers to bow to Cuomo's Usenet campaign

,----[ Quote ]
| But in reality, Cuomo's pressure tactics have misfired. They led Time Warner
| Cable to pull the plug on some 100,000 Usenet discussion groups, including
| such hotbeds of illicit content as talk.politics and
| misc.activism.progressive. Verizon Communications deleted such unlawful
| discussion groups as us.military, ny.politics, alt.society.labor-unions, and
| alt.politics.democrats. AT&T and Time Warner Cable have taken similar steps.


Verizon offers details of Usenet deletion: alt.* groups, others gone

,----[ Quote ]
| Cuomo claimed that his office found child porn on 88 newsgroups--out of
| roughly 100,000 newsgroups that exist. In a press release, he took credit for
| the companies' blunderbuss-style newsgroup removal by saying: "We are
| attacking this problem by working with Internet service providers...I commend
| the companies that have stepped up today to embrace a new standard of
| responsibility, which should serve as a model for the entire industry."
| [...]
| What this means in practice is that, thanks to the New York state attorney
| general, Verizon customers will lose out on innocent discussions. Verizon is
| retaining only eight newsgroup hierarchies, even though over 1,000
| hierarchies exist.


Usenet Villified In NY Deal With ISPs

,----[ Quote ]
| Time Warner Cable will turn off all newsgroup access, while Sprint plans to
| cut access to the whole alt.* segment. Verizon may follow Sprint's example.
| Blocking all newsgroups does appear to be a broad approach to a problem
| involving a minority of such groups. As with the Internet in general, not
| everything in Usenet poses a threat. But no one wants to be tainted with even
| a suggestion of being soft on child porn, hence the rush to apply censorship
| with a sweeping axe rather than a skillfully-wielded scalpel.


EFF Sues Rodeo Group Over Removal Of Videos On YouTube

,----[ Quote ]
| The Electronic Frontier Foundation has asked a federal court to protect the
| free speech rights of an animal rights group after its video critiques of
| animal treatment at rodeos were removed from YouTube because of false
| copyright claims.


Comcast files FCC impotence suit

,----[ Quote ]
| But the meatpuppetting cable outfit says it will comply with the order while
| its appeal plays out in federal court. Under the order (PDF), Comcast has
| until September 19 to completely disclose its discriminatory network
| management practices and show how it intends to stop these practices by
| year's end.


Microsoft Buys Into Brazil With $126M Globo Stake.

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp. made its first equity foray into the Latin American cable
| industry last week, buying a $126 million stake in Globo Cabo S.A., Brazil's
| leading MSO.
| The investment in Globo Cabo is the latest in a series of buys this year that
| has seen Microsoft plunge full-force into cable. It deepened its U.S. cable
| presence in May when it agreed to invest $5 billion in AT&T Corp., following
| a $1 billion investment in Comcast Corp. in 1997.


Comcast to cap monthly consumer broadband

,----[ Quote ]
| A far greater problem may be the slighting of cloud storage services that
| offer file transfer and backup. Services like Carbonite and Mozy let you back
| up and transfer the entirety of your computer's storage several times per
| month, which on many standard consumer machines can be in the hundreds of
| gigabytes.
| Apple, too, is just at the beginning stages of MobileMe, a service that
| offers sync and file backup to multiple devices. Additionally, the rumored
| all-you-can-eat iTunes could drastically change how much downloading users
| are doing on a monthly basis.


Comcast Gives Cold-Shoulder To Non-Profit School Running Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| I think it would be rather fun to make the displeasure of Comcast’s Linux
| customers loudly known. If you would like to spend a few minutes letting
| Comcast know that is wrong to discriminate against customers due to their
| choice of operating system, the phone number to the Lake City, Fl. office is
| (386) 752-6161.


Comcast, Microsoft team up to serve smaller firms

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's move to offer the online software suite appears designed to
| compete with a similar offering from rival Google Inc (GOOG.O: Quote,
| Profile, Research) known as Google Apps.  


FCC pelts Comcast with rotten veg

,----[ Quote
| Having put the company in the stocks two weeks ago, the FCC heaped a load of
| rotten vegetables over US cable giant Comcast yesterday.
| [...]
| The decision set a historic precedent for regulating packet networks, and not
| surprisingly much of the document (pdf) is devoted to a justification of why
| the FCC has the authority to intervene.


FCC on Comcast: Bravo!

,----[ Quote ]
| Free Press (and others) alleged that Comcast was blocking the BitTorrent
| application. We've known for sometime the result in this case (because of the
| weird practice of the FCC to release the results of an order without
| necessarily releasing the order). But at the crack of dawn (California time)
| today, the Commission released its 34 page order.
| It is fantastically well done. So much so that I felt compelled (in that
| weird lawyer like way) to blather my own 5 pages of thanks in a letter to the
| Commission that will be mailed today.


Bipartisan FCC Majority Condemns Comcast's Illegal Blocking

,----[ Quote ]
| WASHINGTON -- Today, the Federal Communications Commission published an
| enforcement order punishing Comcast, the nation's largest cable company, for
| blocking Internet users' access to legal online content and services. The
| order, approved by a bipartisan majority on Aug. 1, requires Comcast to stop
| its ongoing practice of blocking Internet content by the end of the year and
| disclose all "network management" practices.



Comcast faces FCC slap over P2P throttling

,----[ Quote ]
| Nevertheless, FCC Chairman Kevin Martin told the Associated Press that
| Comcast's actions had "violated" a set of principles adopted by the
| regulatory commission to protect consumers' access. Indeed, three of five FCC
| commissioners recently voted in favour of an item that stated the internet
| provider had violated federal policy by throttling peer-to-peer traffic over
| its network.
| The FCC is slated to issue a final ruling at a commission meeting scheduled
| for August 1.


FCC's Martin: Comcast blocking was widespread

,----[ Quote ]
| Comcast's slowing of peer-to-peer traffic appeared to be more widespread than
| the company has disclosed, the chairman of the US Federal Communications
| Commission said this week.  


Comcast Isn’t Net Neutral; Are They Liars, Too?

,----[ Quote ]
| Following reports that Comcast isn’t net neutral, Consumerist blog has
| acquired several leaks from Comcast insiders, claiming that they do indeed
| use Sandvine for packet shaping, and that customer service representatives
| are being told nothing about how the network technology works,  


Comcast admits paying attendees at FCC hearing

,----[ Quote ]
| Comcast Corp. admitted yesterday that it paid people to attend a government
| hearing. Company critics say the freelance attendees were there to crowd them
| out; Comcast says they were merely saving seats for employees.  


Comcast stacked Net Neutrality meeting


Allegations fly in FCC hearing aftermath

,----[ Quote ]
| Comcast Corp. on Tuesday acknowledged hiring people to fill seats before the
| start of a contentious federal hearing on how the company manages its
| broadband network, allowing its employees to take those seats when the
| filled-to-capacity hearing started.  


Is Comcast's BitTorrent filtering violating the law?

,----[ Quote ]
| Assuming that the SYN packet goes through, the three-way handshake is allowed
| to happen, then the two hosts will be able to begin communicating. Your ISP
| can still kill the connection later, should they wish to, merely by blocking
| the transmission of future packets.  
| According to Torrent Freak, Comcast is not doing this. They are instead
| sending a reset (or RST) packet to the Comcast customer, pretending to be
| from the host at the end of the BitTorrent connection.  

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