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[News] Big Lies About GNU/Linux Market Share Contradicted

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How Many Linux Users Are There (Really)?

,----[ Quote ]
| As Jim Zemlin, the executive director of The Linux Foundation, points out, "I 
| am not joking or trying to be trite, but the answer to this question is: 
| every single person in the modern world every day. Everyone who searches 
| Google, picks up a phone and uses telecommunication infrastructure, watches a 
| new televisions, use a new camera, makes a call on many modern cell phones, 
| trades a stock on a major exchange, watches a weather forecast generated on a 
| supercomputer, logs into Facebook, navigates via air traffic control systems, 
| buys a netbook computer, checks out at a cash register, withdraws cash at an 
| ATM machine, fires up a quick-boot desktop (even those with Windows), or uses 
| one of many medical devices; the list goes on and on."         
| "It is hard to think of someone in the developed world who doesn't touch 
| Linux every single day. The better question here is who isn't a Linux user," 
| Zemlin concluded.  
| He's got a point there. If you buy something from Craigslist or keep up with 
| friends on Facebook, you're using Linux. To be exact, you're using Big-IP 
| 9.4.6, which is an embedded high-speed networking system that incorporates 
| Linux. Do you watch videos on YouTube? Linux again. Google? Yes, they run 
| Linux too.    
| [...]
| The question that isn't often asked though is: "Can you trust Net 
| Applications' numbers?" According to Roy S. Schestowitz, editor of Boycott 
| Novell, the answer is: "No." According to a recent Boycott Novell 
| blog, "Microsoft and Apple put money on Net Applications' table, so rather 
| unsurprisingly, the results satisfy both companies. GNU/Linux, on the other 
| hand, is not able to pay Net Applications for favourable bias."     
| And, in addition, to other points Schestowitz writes, "Net Applications 
| admits its statistics are flawed (skewed)" and "Net Applications keeps its 
| methods secret and the dataset likewise."   


Two-day snapshot:

Windows                                 327583          49.7 %
        Windows XP                      222659          33.8 %
        Windows (unknown version)       448             0 %
        Windows NT                      84              0 %
        Windows ME                      92              0 %
        Windows Vista (LongHorn)        79853           12.1 %
        Windows Mobile                  224             0 %
        Windows 98                      705             0.1 %
        Windows 95                      9               0 %
        Windows 2008                    11225           1.7 %
        Windows 2003                    7245            1.1 %
        Windows 2000                    4997            0.7 %
        Windows 3.xx                    42              0 %

BSD                                     977             0.1 %
        OpenBSD                         37              0 %
        NetBSD                          110             0 %
        FreeBSD                         830             0.1 %

Linux                                   220816          33.5 %
        Ubuntu                          114293          17.3 %
        Suse                            13509           2 %
        Red Hat                         728             0.1 %
        Mandriva (or Mandrake)          6265            0.9 %
        Gentoo                          4926            0.7 %
        Fedora                          14826           2.2 %
        Debian                          15643           2.3 %
        Centos                          1256            0.1 %
        GNU Linux (Unknown or unspecified distribution) 49370   7.4 %

Macintosh                               65648           9.9 %
        Mac OS X                        65578           9.9 %
        Mac OS                          70              0 %

Others                          4       3334            6.5 %
        Unknown                         42371           6.4 %
        Sun Solaris                     478             0 %
        Symbian OS                      259             0 %
        Unknown Unix system             88              0 %
        Nintendo Wii                    50              0 %
        CPM                             37              0 %
        OS/2                            34              0 %
        Sony PlayStation Portable       17              0 %
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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