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Re: Vista capable sticker nothing to do with Vista Capable ..

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____/ Doug Mentohl on Wednesday 18 February 2009 18:22 : \____

> In recent weeks, including last Thursday's court hearing, which included
> oral presentations on Microsoft's dual November motions to decertify the
> suit's class action status as well as to dismiss the case altogether,
> both sides have been posturing ..
> "He [Leffler] could not determine the extent to which consumers, such as
> Dianne Kelley [the lead plaintiff], purchased Windows Vista Capable PCs
> for reasons that had nothing to do with Windows Vista, the Windows Vista
> Capable sticker, or the WVC program,
> Here’s my bet. The case is set to go to trial in April. Rather than risk
> even more embarrassing disclosures about just how much it knew about
> Vista’s overall suckiness and its backroom deals with Intel, Microsoft
> will offer to settle ..
> http://www.computingsa.co.za/article.aspx?id=930693

This is an important case with big ramifications.

Interestingly enough, there was no coverage of the Ballmer Deposition (December
2008). None at all.

Lacking transparency, we live in Mafia State.


         "Hundreds of people lined up to withdraw money from banks in Antigua and
Caracas affiliated with Texas billionaire Allen Stanford, a day after the
tycoon was charged with an $8 billion fraud.

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Lions are like hippie tigers"
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