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Re: Abuse of Intellectual Monopolies Does Not Work for Slaughterhouse

Hash: SHA1

____/ peterwn on Sunday 15 February 2009 09:14 : \____

> On Feb 15, 9:35 pm, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Rodeo Discovers That It Doesn't Own The Copyright On Videos Taken By
>> Spectators
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | The EFF, in its continuing effort to push back on bogus DMCA takedown
>> | notices has successfully convinced the Professional Rodeo Cowboys
>> | Association to settle a lawsuit that the EFF filed on behalf of some
>> | animal rights activists. They had been attending rodeos and filming things
>> | they believed represented cruelty towards the animals -- and then posting
>> | those videos on YouTube.
>> `----
>> http://techdirt.com/articles/20090213/0336273759.shtml
> It is not as clear cut as the heading implies.  If the videos were put
> on YouTube for entertainment purposes, it would be a breach of the
> Rodeo's rights under copyright law.  If excerpts are 'published' as a
> news item or to highlight animal cruelty issue, it would seem to be
> covered under 'fair use' provisions.

There was a similar incident recently which involved song copying. The original
artist published an overlay of the two songs to show that infringement was
evident and the accused  band tried to use "copyrights" to shoot down the

Was it Coldplay? I can't recall.

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Anonymity - established 2001, Google Groups
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