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[News] Chance to Help Permanent Death of Software Patents in Europe

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G 3/08: Have your say

,----[ Quote ]
| This month's Official Journal of the EPO contains an announcement relating to 
| the EPO President's referral under Article 112(1)(b) EPC on software patents. 
| As well as reproducing the questions first announced back in October 2008 
| (commented on by the IPKat here, here and here) and the composition of the 
| board, the announcement says the following:    
|     "It is expected that third parties will wish to use the opportunity to 
|     file written statements in accordance with Article 10 of the Rules of 
|     Procedure of the Enlarged Board of Appeal (OJ EPO 2007, 303 ff). To 
|     ensure that any such statements can be given due consideration they 
|     should be filed together with any new cited documents by the end of April 
|     2009 at the Registry of the Enlarged Board of Appeal, quoting case number 
|     G 3/08. An additional filing of the statement and documents in electronic 
|     form would be appreciated (Dg3registry_eba@xxxxxxx)."       


EPO Enlarged Board of Appeal to Clarify Software Patentability

,----[ Quote ]
| The President of the European Patent Office (EPO) has referred several 
| questions of law to the EPO’s Enlarged Board of Appeal (EBoA) in an attempt 
| to clarify the patentability of software-based inventions.  



Google calls for UK copyright reforms

,----[ Quote ]
| Google today called for UK copyright reforms that allow individuals limited
| use of copyrighted work in order to create new content.
| "Fair use" laws in the US – which cover use of music for sampling, for
| example – were included in the 2006 Gowers review of UK intellectual property
| but have not been incorporated into British law.


EU Copyright Extension: Help MEPs Hear the Other Side

,----[ Quote ]
| From reading the official European Commission documentation on its proposed
| Copyright Term Extension Directive, one might believe perpetuating performer
| copyrights from 50 to 95 years in Europe is a charitable policy with no ill
| effects at all. That's certainly how Commissioner Charlie McCreevy would like
| it to appear, as he pushes for the Parliament to vote on the Directive in
| March of this year.


Intellectual Property Harmonization: TACD Recommendations, a Difficult

,----[ Quote ]
| The Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue last week hosted a conference
| entitled “Patents, Copyrights and Knowledge Governance: The Next Four Years”,
| gathering IP lawyers and economists from all over the world.


Does ACTA Secrecy Violate European Law?

,----[ Quote ]
| One of the most problematic aspects of the negotiations around ACTA, the
| Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, is how the entire process has been
| shrouded in secrecy. Those involved in the process try to brush off this
| complaint by saying something along the lines of "but we always negotiate
| treaties this way!" but that's hardly a good reason to do so -- especially
| when the impact of ACTA could be wide ranging.


the fight against term extension, continued (in Europe)

,----[ Quote ]
| Here's 4:51 from the Open Rights Group on the proposal to extend the
| copyright term for sound recordings in Europe. (Recall, we extended our term
| to match the Europeans, but then, surprise surprise, we actually overshot the
| Europeans in important categories, leading the Europeans now to argue they
| need to extend the term to match the Americans.)

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