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Re: What are Microsoft *really* good at ?

On Feb 2, 7:04 pm, "Ezekiel" <Z...@xxxxx> wrote:
> "Rex Ballard" <rex.ball...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:ad5d7665-db9a-4731-a8b1-8ca2a2a6541b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> > On Feb 2, 5:56 pm, ray <r...@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> Actually, I'm not so sure they'e very good at marketing - I think
> >> they're great at extortion.

> > They have publicly admitted, in court, to fraud, extortion, blackmail,
> > sabotage, and obstruction of justice,

> Then you won't have trouble backing up this latest claim of yours. Of
> course you won't because you'll hide behind some BS story of how the court
> records were sealed. Yet you think that people will believe a liar like
> you.

Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, shortly after issuing his rulings of
law, and just before releasing the final remedy judgment told a
reporter that, based on the evidence presented in the case,
Microsoft's top executives were criminals and should face criminal

Windows NT 4.0 service pack 3 was released as part of a settlement
where Microsoft admitted to deliberately sabatoging the Cyrix chip
(IBM had recently purchased Cyrix) causing it to go into a loop that
caused it to overheat.  Microsoft's defense was that IBM shouldn't be
allowed to present the code in court because of license terms which
forbade the "Reverse Engineering" of the code.

The judge ruled against suppression of the evidence, pointing out that
this was obstruction of justice.  Furthermore, he ruled that the code
Microsoft produced did appear to be sabotage.  Microsoft settled very
quickly - releasing a service pack that included a fix that
anticipated the ruling.

Microsoft lost a $200 million judgment to Stack for sabotaging their
"stacker" disk compression software in an attempt to force people to
use Microsoft's proprietary compression instead.

In Caldera vs Microsoft - Microsoft admitted to sabotaging DR-DOS,
making subtle changes in Windows deliberately intended to prevent
proper operation.

IBM testified that Microsoft used extortion and blackmail to try and
get IBM to agree to stop shipping PCs pre-configured with OS/2 Warp.
They provided substantial details, and the Microsoft attorney opted
not to attempt to discredit the witness or cross-examine to get more
details.  They knew that the more they asked, the more trouble they
would be in.

But hey,

IBM got $3 billion in settlements from Microsoft for various misdeeds
against IBM, including attempting to embezzle both code and staff
allocated and funded for OS/2 and reallocating them to Windows NT.
IBM also got all the source code to OS/2 - but it took them 2 years to
get all of the bugs out (Warp 4).  When they got the bugs out,
Microsoft demanded that they stop selling it.

The Combs vs Microsoft exhibits are available on public web sites.
Unfortunately they are faxes and the printer was crappy so it's a non-
trivial task to transcribe them to searchable text.  Roy Schestowitz
has been working on it, releasing a few documents every day, but there
are 9,000 exhibits and even at 9 a day, it could take about 3 years to
get them all out.  And that's just ONE case.

The Caldera vs Microsoft case - filled a 10x10x10 storage locker
almost completely.  The documents were destroyed when Caldera decided
they couldn't afford to pay for storage any more.  Nobody knows what
the terms of the settlement were.

> So Rex - where exactly in the Vista EULA does it give MS the right to
> access any data on your computer at any time?

Asked and answered.  Previous COLA post.

> Rex Ballard - clueless liar.

Hadron Quark - relentless troll and nit picker.
Ezekiel - too lazy to look up past COLA documents.

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