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Re: MS lying again about IE security

After takin' a swig o' grog, Sermo Malifer belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> ____/ Peter Köhlmann on Friday 30 January 2009 13:35 : \____
>>> Microsofts Security Evangelist Jeff Jones was caught providing doctored
>>> statistics about IE and Firefox, claiming IE was *better*
>>> Here is the breakdown of what really is the issue
>> http://voices.washingtonpost.com/securityfix/2009/01/blogfight_the_truth_about_ie_v.html
>> Jeff Jones is a dunce < http://boycottnovell.com/2007/12/03/firefox-fud-latest/
>>> whose output needs to be embargoed.
>> He knows he's lying, but he's paid to do that.
>> His class has the parity of Exxon-funded global warning deniers.
> "In contrast, Jones appears to arrive at 285 days of vulnerability for 
> Firefox by focusing exclusively on flaws that were considered by Mozilla 
> and other security experts to be far less severe."
> I don't see any outright lying here, just a difference of opinion.

Huh?  It's simple /counting/.

98 days.  9 days.

Active exploits.  No active exploits.

I am, in point of fact, a particularly haughty and exclusive person, of
pre-Adamite ancestral descent.  You will understand this when I tell you
that I can trace my ancestry back to a protoplasmal primordial atomic
globule.  Consequently, my family pride is something inconceivable.  I
can't help it.  I was born sneering.
		-- Pooh-Bah, "The Mikado"

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