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Re: [comp.os.linux.advocacy] FAQ and Primer for COLA, Edition III, Part 2

chrisv wrote:

>Sermo Malifer wrote:
>>The DOS deal with IBM happened 28 years ago.   That can't be the 
>>perpetual reason for the Windows monopoly.
>In the OS market, it can, and is, the "perpetual" reason.  There
>wasn't much anyone could do, once they had that lead (and the
>willingness to do anything to protect it).

Expanding on this a bit...

There were a good chunk of years there when everyone got their
software by walking into a store and buying a shrink-wrapped box.
Back then, there was a powerful reason for that de facto standard OS,
that "everything" ran on.

Only recently, due to the twin paradigm shifts of Free software and
the Internet, are inroads becoming possible.  As we've seen, though,
it's a long uphill battle at this point.

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