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Re: Vista Sped Up GNU/Linux Adoption (Can't Wait for Vista7!)

After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

> Hash: SHA1
> ____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Friday 30 January 2009 12:30 : \____
>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Rex Ballard belched out
>>   this bit o' wisdom:
>>> Keep in mind that the Linux community spend $billions worth of
>>> volunteer time to help develop the OLPC, and the technology was, as
>>> usual, "aquired" by Microsoft and it's exclusive licensing agreements.
>> Huh?
> An Inside Look at how Microsoft got XP on the XO
> http://www.olpcnews.com/sales_talk/microsoft/how_microsoft_got_xp_on_the_xo.html
> From: Will Poole
> Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 3:15 PM
> To: Orlando Ayala; Craig Mundie; Tom Phillips; Rick Thompson; Mike Sievert
> Cc: Craig Fiebig
> Subject: RE: Recap of our meeting today with Rodrigo and Marcelo
> I think we should name our new open source license and romance its
> creation. ?Education Open Source? or something like that. And offer that
> commercial terms can be established under such an agreement, thus enabling the
> best of open source and commercial software environments.
> Agree we need to manage the billg messaging carefully. ...


> From: Tom Phillips
> Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2005 8:48 PM
> To: Will Poole; Craig Mundie; Rick Thompson; Mike Sievert
> Cc: Orlando Ayaia; Craig Fiebig
> Subject: RE: Recap of our meeting today with Rodrigo and Marcelo
> The meeting begin with a question by Marcelo on wether Microsoft felt the OLPC
> project would be successful without its involvement.


> At the conclusion of this meeting, it was again clear that the central issues
> boils down to the OSS philosophy of Nick. In our meeting with Hector, he
> insisted that AMD has the capability to shift Nick into a more realistic state
> ont he Open Source philosophy. ...

Yikes.  Mini-Intel?

People who understand context would be steamed to have someone else
dictating how they can call it.
		-- Larry Wall in <199710221710.KAA24242@xxxxxxxx>

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