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Re: Microsoft's "I'm a PC" Ads Created On Macs

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____/ Sermo Malifer on Thursday 29 January 2009 16:03 : \____

> Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>    Microsoft's Meanest Envy.
>>    The new "I'm a PC" ads portray a Hodgman lookalike as
>>    a stereotype, making it unclear if Microsoft is trying to portray the
>>    PC character as an unrealistic and unflattering attack by Apple
>>    (which the rest of the ad underscores), or if the company is trying
>>    to hijack Apple's character as the "kind person you would
>>    rather have a beer with," the message being presented by Windows
>>    Enthusiast pundits ever since the Get a Mac ads began playing.
> No evidence was presented that Microsoft's campaign was created on Macs.
>    All we have is some guy's word that he found pictures on a Web site
> that were produced on a Mac.

I followed this pretty closely and Microsoft didn't deny it at the time. A lot
of people in this industry have always used Macs (artists) just like Solaris
and GNU/Linux are used extensively for rendering work.

> Microsoft's adds aren't an attack on the Mac either, just on the
> stereotyping of PC users.

Apple's marketing is arrogant.

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

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