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[News] Red Hat's Value in GNU/Linux Comparatively Higher, Adoption Rises

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Linux vs. Unix Values Evident in Red Hat, Sun Market Valuations  

,----[ Quote ]
| Who might buy Red Hat is a game that can be played endlessly, and just about 
| everyone who is anyone has been mentioned in the past — Microsoft, Dell, 
| Google, Oracle, you name it. So what about another name that's been mentioned 
| less frequently in the past: Sun? Much of Red Hat's business is selling 
| support services for open source software, which is an activity Sun would 
| like to be doing more of. Sun's pretty much got the cash, and such a move 
| might get its share price moving north again.      


Users Turn To Grid Computing for Performance

,----[ Quote ]
| Acxiom's grid infrastructure is designed to improve efficiency, maintain 
| consistency across its systems and logically partition resources to meet 
| client demands. Red Hat Enterprise Linux's certification system lets Acxiom 
| save money by making hardware decisions independent of the operating system, 
| the company said.    



Red Hat Fedora Claims It's the Leader in Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Hat's Fedora community Linux distribution has now tallied its user base,
| and it's a number that on the surface would make it the largest installed
| base of any Linux distribution, with at least 9.5 million users and possibly
| as many as 10.5 million.


Red Hat bucks the trend

,----[ Quote ]
| At a time when most companies are happy if the balance sheet does not show
| any red ink, Red Hat Linux has bucked the trend. Its stock price leapt 32
| percent last week compared to that a year ago, during a week when technology
| stocks overall fell by 2.6 percent.
| According to information available at Channel Insider, the so-called mixed
| source company, Novell, saw its stock price fall by 11 percent, the biggest
| loser of the week.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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