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Re: atn Tim Smith: piss off troll ..

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____/ Terry Porter on Saturday 24 January 2009 01:30 : \____

> Peter Köhlmann wrote:
>> Terry Porter wrote:
>>> Tim Smith wrote:
>>>> This group is for Linux advocacy.
>>> In all the years you have been here trolling, I have *never* seen a
>>> Linux advocacy post from you.
>>> So piss off already!
>>> SCORE -1000
>> Cool down a little, Terry.
> I'm perfectly cool :)
>> While it is true that he often posts anti-linux material, at least *he*
>> knows what he is talking about.
> Sometimes. I have been amazed at his lack of attention on many occasions.
> If Tim Smith is the 'best of the best', God help Microsoft.
>> He knows more about windows, linux and OSX than the rest of the wintendo
>> fanbois combined.
> That's not difficult, they are *all* of them, mentally unbalanced to some
> degree, or amazingly juvenile.
>> In reality he is sometimes doing what Erik Funkenbusch claims to do here:
>> He corrects errorneous posts.
> When Cola needs a Windows biased "corrector of erroneous posts", we will
> advertize the position ;-)
>> Erik does rarely, since his "knowledge"
>> about linux is not even describeable by "very limited", and dimwits like
>> Hadron Snot Quark who claim to "correct" people get it all wrong
>> constantly
> We know that the current crop of trolls are the absolute bottom of the
> barrel, and compared to them Tim Smith looks like a Windows God.
> Except he is not. He's just another troll.
>> So Tim Smith, while often annoying (especially when he is going after a
>> poster with nitpicking on unimportant details) is at least not also as
>> stupid as the rest of the windows crowd
> That's true.
> Tim posting here complaining about other posts that this Wintroll sees as
> being off topic on COLA, is just too hypocritical for me.
> Which is why he gets a SCORE of -1000 from me.

He also talks people to systematically mod them down. That's unhealthy

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

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                --Bill Gates, Microsoft
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