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Re: Comes PX2880: Microsoft Attacks Dell's GNU/Linux

amicus_curious wrote:

"Terry Porter" <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:T_mdnYCCW_FsfB3UnZ2dnUVZ_rXinZ2d@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

And in the netbook area, where price is everything, and Linux is already
well proved, Windows is unable to compete.

The Linux versions have lost over 70% of their market share in less than 12 months time to the venerable XP.

Even if that were true, it was done by extending XP past its EOL and dropping its price, to counter the threat of Linux, so Windows users benefited from Linux even if they don't use it.

If that is "unable to compete", Iwould like to know what you consider to be adequate competition!

Try to run XP on a $169 HiVision Mininote.

You may find out when Win7 scoops up the final 30%!

You mean the same way Vista was supposed to?

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