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[News] Microsoft Admits Windows is Bad, GNU/Linux Destined to Win

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Microsoft debunks Linux myths

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft acknowledges that Windows has a serious security problem, unlike 
| Solaris or Linux systems. In the same sentence they also debunk the myth that 
| Windows problems are solely due to their marketshare. The funny thing is that 
| they try to "fix" their problems by pursuing the perpetrators. Although that 
| is not a bad idea, it won't make Windows any more secure.    
| Linux is not a threat to Windows
|     My conclusion: We are not on a path to win against Linux We must change 
|     some things and we must do it immediately.  
|     I have more and more clients asking me about it.
|     Is it something to worry about? I believe so.
|     We feel a huge threat from Linux. 
|     I am scared.
| Your honor, I rest my case.


"In the face of strong competition, Evangelism's focus may shift immediately to
the next version of the same technology, however. Indeed, Phase 1 (Evangelism
Starts) for version x+1 may start as soon as this Final Release of version X."

        Microsoft, internal document [PDF]


Windows 7 no threat to netbook Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| I've been nonplussed the last few weeks as ordinarily sane compu-journalists
| opine that Windows 7 will somehow kill Linux on netbooks. This weekend, I had
| a chance to actually see XP running on an EEE 900, and I can tell you, Linux
| has nothing to fear from Redmond.
| During my 13-year career as a compu-journalist, I have seen the pattern over
| and over. Microsoft pre-announces a product years before it will ship. Then,
| people who have built careers supporting Microsoft's products -- whether IT
| staff or journalists -- slavishly salivate, as if on cue. Purchase decisions
| are deferred, per recommendations of the trade press.
| Next, the product is delayed. Purchase decisions are further deferred.
| Nothing can sway the devotion of the true Microsoft believers. And they think
| Linux "fanboys" are partisan!
| Then, finally delivered, the Microsoft OS utterly fails to live up to its
| hype. And, the Microsoft ecosystem rejoices, secure in the knowledge that
| their help will still be needed to make Microsoft products usable.
| Today, it turns out, XP is hardly usable on netbooks. What makes people think
| the next version of Windows will actually get better? Microsoft has never in
| its history delivered an OS upgrade that did not require SUBSTANTIALLY more
| resources than its predecessor. Is that really going to change? Really?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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