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Re: Obama chooses to get the facts from Scott McNealy

Tim Smith wrote:
In article <H1tfl.73704$1k1.65406@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,
 Matt <matt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> quoted Ars Technica:
"It's intuitively obvious open source is more cost effective and productive than proprietary software," McNealy told the BBC on Wednesday. "Open source

I'd like to see what open source software McNealy thinks is more cost effective and productive than, for example:

   Final Cut Pro

MainActor - free, with distribution

   Premier Pro

Kino - free, with distribution


Sage - free, with distribution


Maxima - free, with distribution

   Logic Studio

This is a toughie. Rosegarden, Audacity, Ardour, and while not OSS but still deserves a mention because it is absolutely killer (I think so anyway), eJay (find it in your local techno thrift store, most like on the 5-bucks-or-less shelf, then run it through WinE). The rest are free, with distribution.

   Pro Tools

HDM, JAMin, Jack, Studio64...


LinuxCAD, QCad. Come on, you pick 'em. There isn't even a feature-equivalent package in /Windows/ for Autocad.

The above beat the open source alternatives on productivity.

With the exception of the last one, I'd argue there. I capture, frame edit, overdub, cut, paste, CRF and master video and audio content very easily and with great confidence on my cluster. My kids have fun with the MIDI gear and their guitars and make some... shall we say, eclectic music...

For the case of professional users, the above will usually win on cost effectiveness, too.

See above. I've proved with the fatness of my wallet (and it is very fat), how OSS can beat proprietery SW on return vs cost. I'm /retired/ at 33!

The higher productivity of the professional software will overcome the initial up front cost of the program and the cost of upgrades.

As my son is so fond of saying:

"Are ye dizzy bled?!"

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