On Sun, 25 Jan 2009 20:23:14 -0700, High Plains Thumper
<highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>George Barca wrote:
>> Jerry McBride wrote:
>>> 7 wrote:
>>>> Bare Bone Linux PDAs --------------------
>>>> I notice some Linux companies are beginning to do bare
>>>> bone Linux PDAs. You order up their bare bone PDA and
>>>> install your software to get it to do things like video,
>>>> mp3, e-book reader etc. You can also add hardware modules
>>>> like GPS, VOIP, blue tooth, touch screen etc. You just
>>>> specify and its added to the price. Once again you do the
>>>> software making the whole development process very cheap.
>>>> The prices are of the order of $50 but they want volume -
>>>> about 500 units. $25,000 for first order isn't for the
>>>> faint hearted.
>>>> I was wondering if there are smaller operations doing the
>>>> bare bone Linux PDAs. I only want to buy 5 units at a time
>>>> max during development.
>>> 7, I can't help you with what you are looking for. Most
>>> companies that make these things want to sell in volume...
>>> That said, could you drop the name of manufacturer you
>>> found? I'm interested also.
>> It sounds like a good idea. What you need is a business plan
>> that you can present to investors. Emphasis the advantages of
>> your idea vs large scale deployment.
>One business plan could be a couple LUG's (Linux User Groups)
>pool together, put together a quantity 500 purchase order with
>the OEM. With sufficient investors (buyers), should be able to
>foot a $25,000 US bill. For 250 purchasers would buy each 2 PDA's.
>The LUG could use their more experienced members to put together
>s specialised distro, "roll your own" to put the PDA to practical
>To obtain sufficient "investors", I could see canvassing school
>computer clubs, civic organisations, HAM radio enthusiasts, etc.
> It could be successfully pulled off with sufficient bush
>beating (inquiries).
Very good ideas HPT!
The idea is to pool resources to a point where the product is
viable without becoming a mass production.
George Barca