George Barca wrote:
Jerry McBride wrote:
7 wrote:
Bare Bone Linux PDAs --------------------
I notice some Linux companies are beginning to do bare
bone Linux PDAs. You order up their bare bone PDA and
install your software to get it to do things like video,
mp3, e-book reader etc. You can also add hardware modules
like GPS, VOIP, blue tooth, touch screen etc. You just
specify and its added to the price. Once again you do the
software making the whole development process very cheap.
The prices are of the order of $50 but they want volume -
about 500 units. $25,000 for first order isn't for the
faint hearted.
I was wondering if there are smaller operations doing the
bare bone Linux PDAs. I only want to buy 5 units at a time
max during development.
7, I can't help you with what you are looking for. Most
companies that make these things want to sell in volume...
That said, could you drop the name of manufacturer you
found? I'm interested also.
It sounds like a good idea. What you need is a business plan
that you can present to investors. Emphasis the advantages of
your idea vs large scale deployment.
One business plan could be a couple LUG's (Linux User Groups)
pool together, put together a quantity 500 purchase order with
the OEM. With sufficient investors (buyers), should be able to
foot a $25,000 US bill. For 250 purchasers would buy each 2 PDA's.
The LUG could use their more experienced members to put together
s specialised distro, "roll your own" to put the PDA to practical
To obtain sufficient "investors", I could see canvassing school
computer clubs, civic organisations, HAM radio enthusiasts, etc.
It could be successfully pulled off with sufficient bush
beating (inquiries).
Quando omni flunkus moritati
(If all else fails, play dead)
- "Red" Green