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Re: Obama picks BSA's antipiracy enforcer for high-level post

In article <1393477.O0lZdkSMKC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
 Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The inauguration BTW was partly funded by Steve Ballmer, his wife, 
> Brad Smith, Bill Gates, and his wife.

So?  Yes, Gates and his wife each gave $50000.  There were 425 donors 
who gave $50000, from pretty much every part of the country (and around 
the world).  A very wide range of businesses and industries are listed
by those who listed their employer.

The Inauguration Committee has released the list of everyone who gave 
$200 or more, giving name, employer, where they live, and the amount.

--Tim Smith

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