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[News] More Free Software (LGPL-Licensed), Mozilla Comes to Assist Wikipedia

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PrismTech Releases OpenSplice DDS Data Distribution Software as Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| PrismTech is all set to release its OpenSplice DDS data distribution software 
| as open source. This open source software will be licensed under LGPL 
| licensing. Optional subscription packages consisting of professional support, 
| productivity and optimization tools will also be provided along with the code 
| base.    


Wikipedia video gets boost with $100,000 Mozilla grant

,----[ Quote ]
| Development to be integrated into open source MediaWiki package
| The proliferation of standards-based video sharing and collaboration is set 
| to take off with a $US100,000 grant from the Mozilla Foundation to fund the 
| development of the Ogg Theora video codec and server-side streaming software.   



Mozilla chief John Lilly is fired up about making a better Web browser

,----[ Quote ]
| With 200 employees and a $50-million budget, Mozilla is the for-profit
| subsidiary of the nonprofit Mozilla Foundation. Firefox is "open source,"
| meaning users everywhere are encouraged to improve it. Its success depends
| largely on thousands of devoted volunteers -- 40% of the code is written by
| people who don't clock in.
| "If people participate in the construction of the Web, it will be better and
| more robust." For example, Mozilla produced Firefox in one language: English.
| Volunteers translated it into 61 other languages and also made it accessible
| to the blind and deaf and others with physical limitations. Next up: Firefox
| for mobile phones. Consumers appreciate the Mozilla mission: "It's like
| organic food. When you tell people about the values that go into building the
| product, it builds loyalty."


Intel Joins Giga-byte, Chunghwa to Launch Linux MID

,----[ Quote ]
| Intel joined Taiwanese mobile phone service provider Chunghwa Telecom to
| launch Giga-byte Technology's Atom-powered M528 mobile Internet device on
| Monday in Taipei.
| Chunghwa will begin offering the small, handheld device to consumers in
| December for NT$12,900 (US$386) with a 2-year service package, the companies
| said. The devices will cost NT$19,500 without a service plan.



[John Lilly:] my new job at mozilla

,----[ Quote ]
| Sometimes in life, you find an opportunity to make a difference in something
| you care about, and it feels like, even though you didn’t know it at the
| time, that the last few years have really just been practice, giving you the
| background, skills and ability to really help. And in a very few
| circumstances — once or twice in a lifetime if you’re lucky — the opportunity
| you get to make a difference is one that has a very large, even global
| impact. My new role as CEO of Mozilla Corporation feels like one of those
| times. [Here’s Mitchell’s announcement.]

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