On Thu, 22 Jan 2009 18:04:19 -0800 (PST),
"nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>...Microsoft may [charge] more for Windows 7 on netbooks, but if it's
>too aggressive, more customers might decide to opt for Linux-based
>netbooks. That's a particularly dangerous scenario given the recent
>major strides that Canonical has made with Ubuntu Desktop Linux 8.10.
>In fact, the specter of Linux gaining ground on netbooks may force
>Microsoft to lower Windows pricing in the channel, a move that
>Microsoft partners say is long overdue, and would put even more
>pressure on Windows client revenue.
Pricing and perception is everything. One thing that has to be
understood is that people are familiar with Windows and creatures
of habit tend to stick with what they know. People will also pay
more, up to a point, for the product they know rather than save a
few dollars to go with the unknown.
My personal feeling is that this battle needs to be fought in the
trenches. The salespeople have to be educated wrt Linux and what
it can and cannot do. I have overheard time and time again a
salesperson discouraging a person from Linux based upon
misconceptions of Linux and a total ignorance on the part of the
sales person.
George Barca