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Re: Schestowitz wrong again

On Jan 20, 9:49 pm, Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstr...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> After takin' a swig o' grog, Tim Smith belched out
>   this bit o' wisdom:
> > Moonlight and Mono enable Linux users (and Mac PPC users) to watch
> > streaming Obama inauguration:
> >    <http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2009/Jan-20.html>
> > Roy said this would never happen.  Microsoft would never let Moonlight
> > advance to handle the current version of Silverlight.  Well, not only
> > did they "allow" it, they provided help late into the night to help the
> > Mono/Moonlight developers test.
> How very comforting.
> > Not that any Linux user actually needed this to watch the inauguration.  
> > Dozens of sites streamed it, in many different formats.  Roy made it
> > sound like the Silverlight-based site was the *only* online way to
> > watch.
> Don't you realize that *you* are the only one who hangs on Roy's every word?

Everyone hangs on everyone's word in here. It is the entire purpose of
COLA. I made a typo 3 years ago, and it will surely be shoved in my
face when needed. The idea is not to have Roy acknowledge his mistake,
because that never happens, and not just for Roy. But maybe next time
when the topic of moonlight comes up, he'll have new evidence to pull
from to make more informed posts.

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