After takin' a swig o' grog, Tim Smith belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> Moonlight and Mono enable Linux users (and Mac PPC users) to watch
> streaming Obama inauguration:
> <>
> Roy said this would never happen. Microsoft would never let Moonlight
> advance to handle the current version of Silverlight. Well, not only
> did they "allow" it, they provided help late into the night to help the
> Mono/Moonlight developers test.
How very comforting.
> Not that any Linux user actually needed this to watch the inauguration.
> Dozens of sites streamed it, in many different formats. Roy made it
> sound like the Silverlight-based site was the *only* online way to
> watch.
Don't you realize that *you* are the only one who hangs on Roy's every word?
Everyone else takes his quips with a grain of salt.
Anyway, not that I'm tempted to check, but I note Debian is not listed as
compatible with Moonlight. Moon certainly isn't in the Debian repos, though
mono is.
Expert, n.:
Someone who comes from out of town and shows slides.