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[News] Australia's Linux Festival Celebrates Decade; Microsoft Slammed for Corruption

  • Subject: [News] Australia's Linux Festival Celebrates Decade; Microsoft Slammed for Corruption
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 02:50:57 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.9
Hash: SHA1

LCA2009: Rusty's baby turns 10

,----[ Quote ]
| It was Russell who had the brainwave of hosting a conference of this nature 
| in Australia, an idea born out of a visit to the US in 1997 to attend the 
| USELINUX conference there. He also bankrolled the idea when it finally came 
| to fruition in 1999.   


LCA2009: Spreading research around

,----[ Quote ]
| From the purely technical, the Australian national Linux conference appears 
| to be spreading its wings to embrace more and more aspects of society where 
| openness is needed.  
| In one sense, this is subversive; in another sense, it is just a natural 
| outgrowth of an organic movement the seeds of which were planted in 1984 (a 
| year that does have other connotations) when Richard Stallman kicked off the 
| Free Software Foundation.   


LCA2009: Active Directory in Samba 4 'an old story'

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft knew of the possibility that Samba 4 could supplant Active 
| Directory years ago, hence it was unlikely that the company would feel that 
| it posed any additional threat to Windows Server now, Samba founder Andrew 
| Tridgell said today.   
| In an interview with iTWire on the sidelines of the 10th Australian national 
| Linux conference, Tridgell said that the Samba project needed developers to 
| make the implementation smoother.  


Wikia Co-founder Waxes About Wikia, Wikis, Wikipedia

,----[ Quote ]
| Wikis could take a trick or two from Facebook and social networking sites in 
| order to draw more contributors in the new year, says co-founder of Wikia, 
| Angela Beesley, one of the keynote speakers at the upcoming linux.conf.au. 
| She shares her thoughts on wikia, wikis and wikipedia as well as their place 
| in the enterprise with Computerworld.    
| What will your talk at linux.conf.au be about?
| I will be talking about the future plans of both Wikipedia and its parent 
| organisation, the Wikimedia Foundation.  


Google ramps up IPv6 mission, google.com a year away

,----[ Quote ]
| During a presentation at this year’s linux.conf.au in Hobart, senior Google 
| software engineer Angus Lees recalled how Google's IPv6 efforts started as a 
| covert, hobbyist project about two years ago and has gained enough momentum 
| that a AAAA record for google.com could be added to Google's DNS in a year.   


Linux.Conf.Au - Day One

,----[ Quote ]
| On the systems administration side of things, I listened to Richard Keech 
| talk on "Rapid, repeatable provisioning of Linux systems" using the Red Hat 
| kickstart framework. There were some very good points to this talk, but my 
| colleagues and I agreed we thought our current methods were better. Perhaps 
| we should get around to putting in a talk for next year's conference.    


"Andrew Tridgell, founder of the Samba project and a major FOSS luminary, did
not speak about this subject; rather he focused on the way Microsoft
manouevred the OOXML standard through the International Standards Organisation
last year, using means which are widely acknowledged as being non-kosher.

"Tridgell said Microsoft had subverted the entire standards process by ramming
the OOXML standard through and the company should make reparations, including
an apology."



LCA2009: Getting FOSS developers and companies to play nicely

,----[ Quote ]
| When Bdale Garbee speaks, people in the free and open source software worlds
| stop and listen. Let me reword that a bit - when Bdale Garbee speaks, people
| in the technology industry stop and listen.


LCA2009: Publicising a FOSS project

,----[ Quote ]
| Some years ago, when journalists made the switch to public relations, it was
| generally the case that their vocabulary underwent a dramatic switch.


LCA2009: Microsoft man encounters Linux storm

,----[ Quote ]
| Crumpton, platform strategy manager at Microsoft Australia, had no idea of
| the passionate questioning he would come up against when he gave his talk,
| the last for the day, at a mini-conference titled "The Business of Open
| Source."
| Humour and deprecatory remarks are generally adopted when one tries to make
| oneself comfortable in an uncomfortable situation, and Crumpton went it whole
| hog.


LCA2009: the leader of the band

,----[ Quote ]
| As secretary of the Tasmanian Linux User Group for the last
| three years and someone who has been involved in local IT
| for some time, it is probably some kind of natural fit for
| her.
| "Being based down here (Hobart) it is much easier to meet
| people face to face and develop personal relationships with
| those you're doing business with," she says.

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