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[News] Set of Good Primers to GNU/Linux Users

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The best three Linux introductions for beginners

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell's Ubuntu-equipped PCs, including the Mini 9, also comes with a legal 
| commercial DVD player and the ability to play MP3, WMA (Windows Media Audio), 
| and WMV (Windows Media Video. In other words, Dell's Ubuntu computers are 
| Windows-user friendly.   



A primer on switching from Windows to Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| What's involved in a switch from Windows to Linux? An editor and a couple of
| readers posed that question after last week's column. Given the proliferation
| of cheap Linux-based "netbooks" it is worth a systematic look.
| For newbies, the more stand-alone, Internet-oriented your computing, the more
| likely you are to find Linux a good substitute for other operating systems.
| That's because your interaction with the Net is mediated by a browser and
| e-mail program, making the operating system less relevant. Conversely, if
| you're in an institutional Windows-based environment, you may find it
| difficult to make the transition.


A guide to the kernel development process

,----[ Quote ]
| The purpose of this document is to help developers (and their managers) work
| with the development community with a minimum of frustration. It is an
| attempt to document how this community works in a way which is accessible to
| those who are not intimately familiar with Linux kernel development (or,
| indeed, free software development in general). While there is some technical
| material here, this is very much a process-oriented discussion which does not
| require a deep knowledge of kernel programming to understand.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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