Homer wrote:
Verily I say unto thee, that The Lost Packet spake thusly:
sig material! May I?
Hell yeah.
groovy! :)
- The following signature is encoded double-ROT-47. Unauthorised
duplication and/or decryption is a violation of the Digital Millennium
Copyright Act.
- Last night I played a blank tape at full volume. The mime next door
went nuts.
- No, I will not fix your computer.
- Thought: It must be a bitch to write your name in the snow in Arabic...
- Don't sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things.
- Rice: 1.4 billion Chinese can't all be wrong.
- I'm dreaming of a better world where chickens can cross the road and
not have their motives questioned!
- If you can make a cheesecake you can install a Linux driver from source.
- Don't listen to the do-gooders, condoms are useless. They split,
they leak and they burst. And the human stomach can't handle the impact
of two kilos of cocaine.
- Users who XNA their posts are admitting that their ramblings aren't
worth reading.
- (on Windows) You know why "last known good configuration" almost
never works? Because the last known good configuration was a blank disk.
- Sinister Midget, c.o.l.a. 15 Jan 2009
- Here's to our wives and sweethearts; may they never meet.
- (on writing) I suggest words formed into sentences, occasionally
divided by punctuation, then further constructed into paragraphs
containing references to the subject matter, with a detailed analysis of
that subject matter organised into chapters, and finally ending with a
conclusion. Be sure to use your own words, and not those found elsewhere
such as in a dictionary, otherwise you may be found guilty of copyright
violation - an offence punishable by death in certain states of the USA.
- Homer, c.o.l.a. 19 Jan 2009
*#* Signoff: labo-rat (find / -name \*yourbase\* -exec chown us:us {} \;)