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Re: Peak wintroll season is upon COLA

On 2009-01-15, Terry Porter <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> Now that the Microsoft betavista7 release is upon us, many Linux advocacy
> posts are currently being followed up like clockwork by these bozos, who
> must be sitting at their PCs waiting for new posts 24 hours a day:-
> Subject:   10 reasons to love Ubuntu, Performance, performance performance
> Message-ID:   <gknleu$sb3$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Tony Manco      02:41
> Followups       time
> Hadron          03:02
> john            03:16
> clogwog         02:56
> john            02:54
> The personal attacks on effictive Linux Advocates are also mounting with the
> anonymous Clogwog troll advertizing a webpage slandering several posters,
> using key words such as "employers worst nightmare' etc. The entire page
> reads like the Klu Klux Klan monthly.
> http://linuxidiots.blogspot.com/

Crap! Dissed again!

What do I have to do to you turd trolls to get you to sit up and take

> No one goes to this kind of effort without suitable motive, personally I
> smell Microsoft illegal, dirty and unethical tactics all over this.

I wouldn't worry. They're all trying very hard right now because
they're getting pink slips pretty soon. Nobody knows if they'll all go
away or just a couple of them. Just in case a few avoid the ax, they're
trying really hard to undercut each other in the hope they'll be the
only troll, or one of a very small number of trolls, to not get canned.

I think it would be nice for them all to get fired. Looking for work as
unskilled, uneducated goons might change their perspectives some.

Quack should be the first to get dumped. He's the one who causes MS the
most damage. At least the others can be somewhat entertaining when
they're trying to be dead serious. I'm sure Quink's at the top of the
list of the turds to get flushed early.

Doofboi's probably safe for now, though. I haven't heard anything about
Burger King laying anybody off. I'd think something like that would
make the business pages at least once, maybe as one of the fillers or

Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that
they believe in something, use that something to support their own
 -- Frank Zappa

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