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Re: Stallman clarifies his "EULA" statement

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____/ nessuno on Tuesday 28 July 2009 15:01 : \____

> Thanks for the clarification regarding contracts and copyrights.  Of
> course contracts can be challenged, and are not necessarily binding.
> Obviously the only reason that has not been done in the case of
> software EULAs is the legal costs.
> Stallman is more of a purist than I am, but it is idealistic people
> with passion and commitment who make changes in the world.  The GPL is
> work of genius, and it is satisfying to see it gradually get upheld in
> the courts.

Companies love to think it's unproven in court, but it was upheld in Germany
and no-one in the US was brave enough to challenge it. Someone called Wallace
did (and lost).

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "I think I think, therefore I think I am"
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