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[News] Satire: Things That Vista Has and GNU/Linux Hasn't

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6 Things I Miss About Windows Vista in Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| As I go through the daily grind on my trusty Thinkpad,  I once in a while 
| notice quirks in Linux Mint / Ubuntu that makes me miss certain small but 
| important conveniences from Windows Vista.  I’ve been taking notes, and 
| here’s my list.   
|    1. Too many reboots. I distinctly remember being able to use Windows Vista 
|    for 1 to 2 weeks without ever having to shut down my notebook. The Suspend 
|    feature worked great.  On Linux Mint / Ubuntu, I probably reboot every two 
|    to three days because of the screen going totally blank or my notebook 
|    becoming unresponsive.  And the most irritating experience is when I come 
|    back from lunch to find my notebook had rebooted by itself.     
|    2. Slowdown in graphics.  I honestly believe better graphics makes for a 
|    more pleasant and easy-to-use operating system, Linux included.  But 
|    related to my first point, I notice I have to restart my computer or at 
|    least GNOME a few times in a week because Compiz starts slowing down.  
|    Whatever the cause for this is, I never had this problem in Windows.    



Top 10 Reasons You Should Use Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| 4-You blindly trust corporate America, if Microsoft thinks an update is good 
| for you then they must be right, after all they created the damn thing. 


10 Reasons why Linux is better

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux is not under a single banner. There are hundreds of Linux distributions 
| available, either commercial or free. Hence, it ensures that there is no 
| monopoly and that the support as well as the package is as good as it gets.  


10 Reasons Why You Need to Download Ubuntu Right Now

,----[ Gist ]
| NTFS Read/Write Straight Away
| Package Manager
| GNOME + Compiz = One Beautiful GUI
| Wine and Thousands of Other Great Open Source Apps
| Huge Amount of Customization:
| No Malware
| Ease of Use
| Hardware Support Has Never Been Better
| It’s Free
| Community Support + Tight Release Schedule


6 Reasons Why Linux Beats Windows & Mac OSX Hands Down

,----[ Gist ]
| 1. Linux is completely open.
| 2. The software that runs on it is also open.
| 3. Linux runs great on just about any platform.
| 4. You can buy a Linux desktop from Dell (or Walmart!).
| 5. Linux has become nearly idiot-proof for basic computing tasks.
| 6. The desktop computer is dying anyway.


Five Reasons for Making the Switch to Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Reason 1: Productivity
| Reason 2: Security
| Reason 3: Linux Maturity
| Reason 4: Availability
| Reason 5: Cost


13 reasons why Linux should be on your desktop

,----[ Gist ]
| # Cost 
| # Resources 
| # Performance
| # No bloatware 
| # Security 
| # Dual booting 
| # Installation
| # Reinstalling the OS 
| # Keeping track of software
| # Updating software 
| # More security
| # No need to defrag disks 
| # A wealth of built-in utilities 


25 Reasons to Convert to Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Businesses, educational institutions, governmental agencies and other 
| organizations around the world are converting1 their computer operating 
| systems from Microsoft Windows to Linux at an increasing pace. They are 
| likewise converting their application programs from commercial software to 
| free software (also referred to as open source software). There are at least 
| 25 reasons for this situation, including...     


25 reasons to switch to Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| With Linux and other free software there is little reason to fear the 
| existence of backdoors, in large part because all of the source code is 
| available for inspection.  


Top 10 Reasons to Switch to Ubuntu Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| I can't believe it's been almost a year already since I switched to Linux, 
| Ubuntu specifically. I have to say, it's been one of the best times in my 
| digital life. GNU/Linux is one of the best operating systems there is, and 
| here's why.   


11 reasons to use Linux instead of Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| Run thousands of great pieces of software that only run on Linux. 
| Just like Windows, Linux has software that doesn't run on Windows.
| Great pieces of software like Amarok, Bluefish, Neverball, Gnumeric,
| K3B, Beryl, gdesklets, and MythTV.  I know this is a chicken-and-egg
| point, where Windows has the exact same situation. Too often I hear
| "I can't switch to Linux because it doesn?t run [insert Windows
| software]".  My reason for pointing it out is just to make it clear
| that this is a two-way street.


Things I can do in Linux that I can't do on Windows.

,----[ Quote ]
| # Update every single piece of software on my system with a single 
|   action...
| # Update nearly everything on my computer without a reboot...
| # Keep my system secure without software that consumes my system resources, 
|   requires my time, and frequently nags me...
| # Run an entire operating system for free without pirating software,
|   and without breaking the law...
| #  Take my settings with me where ever I go...
| # Run Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, and 7.0 on the same desktop...
| # Understand everything that is going on in my computer...
| # Customize every aspect of my desktop...
| # Benefit from competition between projects for each system on my 
|   computer...
| # Run thousands of great pieces of software that only run on Linux...
| # Learn about, support, and appreciate the value of free software... 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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