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Paid Microsoft AstroTurfer Strikes Boycott Novell
“It could be argued that Microsoft’s unethical Technology Evangelism (TE)
practices are “old news”—i.e., that Microsoft stopped using these questionable
TE practices long ago. This is very unlikely to be the case, for at least
three reasons.”
–James Plamondon, former Microsoft shill (aka ‘Technology Evangelist’)
Summary: Microsoft shill Jonathan Wong travels the Web to defend Microsoft
WE RARELY bother to check who is leaving comments in Boycott Novell, but
moments ago someone left a comment to police the image of Bing. It took him
only a couple of hours to find the post. A quick glance at his blog shows that
the about page says absolutely nothing about his job at Microsoft, but a
little more sniffing reveals the “evangelist” tag (the blog is all about
Microsoft, which is the top tag). Looking deeper inside the posts, we find
only this one post from 2008 where Wong writes: “And since Monday, I have
started a new and exciting role with Microsoft as part of their Developer and
Platform Evangelism Team in Singapore.”
“Neither the blog nor the E-mail address (or even the comments) say anything
about his job at Microsoft.”Nice disclosure there, eh?
Neither the blog nor the E-mail address (or even the comments) say anything
about his job at Microsoft. In fact, he leaves comments with a GMail address
and one common theme among Microsoft “TEs” is that “Google is evil” (Jonathan
Wong’s blog shows it too, explicitly). Look at the blog. Look at what he does
around the Web (e.g. regarding “Bing” alone). That’s his job as a
Microsoft "TE" (another term for AstroTurfers, whose roles are borderline
criminal). We wrote about one colleague of his last month because they are
policing individual FOSS people and even FOSS companies in that one particular
case. Wong calls all this “social media marketing”, but we call it
AstroTurfing and there are laws against it.
No wonder people who negatively review Vista 7 get attacked so viciously [1, 2,
3]. They are probably being stalked because they cover particular products to
which Microsoft assigns “perception management” [1, 2]. █
“Just keep rubbing it in, via the press, analysts, newsgroups, whatever. Make
the complete failure of the competition’s technology part of the mythology of
the computer industry.”
–Microsoft, internal document [PDF]
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