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[News] Cory: ISPs Should be Punished for Colluding with Hollywood

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Warning to all copyright enforcers: Three strikes and you're out

,----[ Quote ]
| I think we should permanently cut off the internet access of any company that 
| sends out three erroneous copyright notices. Three strikes and you're out, 
| mate.  
| Having been disconnected, your customers can only find out about your product 
| offerings by ringing you up and asking, or by requesting a printed brochure. 
| Perhaps you could give all your salespeople fax machines so they can fax 
| urgent information up and down the supply chain. And there's always the 
| phone – just make sure you've got a bunch of phone books in the office, 
| because you'll never Google another phone number.     
| Call it a modest proposal in the Swiftian sense if you must, but I'm deadly 
| serious. 
| You see, the big copyright companies – record labels, broadcasters, film 
| studios, software companies – are lobbying in the halls of power around the 
| world (including Westminster) for a three strikes rule for copyright 
| infringers. They want to oblige internet service providers (ISPs) to sever 
| the broadband links of any customer who has been thrice accused of 
| downloading infringing material, and to oblige web-hosting companies to 
| terminate the accounts of anyone accused of sticking infringing material on a 
| web server three times.       



Sarkozy Says He Will “Go All The Way” With 3 Strikes

,----[ Quote ]
| Yesterday from the Palace of Versailles, Nicolas Sarkozy became the first
| president to address Parliament in 150 years. He took the opportunity to show
| his determination over the proposed HADOPI legislation, promising that he
| will “go all the way” to enforce law on the Internet.
| Sarkozy’s address yesterday was made possible by the annulment of a law
| prohibiting a sitting president from addressing lawmakers. The last time an
| address of this type occurred was 1848, in Napoleon’s day.


HADOPI Copyright Law To Get New Set Of Teeth With Additional Law

,----[ Quote ]
| The Sarkozy government will implement a law aimed at promoting legal online
| downloading in the coming months despite being prevented from cutting off the
| internet access of alleged three-time offenders, according to official
| sources. Meanwhile, the government has already begun preparing a new law that
| would restore penalties this time decided by a judge rather than by the newly
| created HADOPI commission. This would conform to a constitutional ruling on
| the HADOPI law.


New Zealand tries to revive 3 strikes law

,----[ Quote ]
| The New Zealand government is still working hard — on behalf of the corporate
| movie and music cartels. And at taxpayer expense.
| It’s trying to find another way to implement the now thoroughly sullied Three
| Strikes plan, the fact French efforts have just been shot down in flames
| notwithstanding.


Second chance for French net bill

,----[ Quote ]
| A controversial French bill which could disconnect people caught downloading
| music illegally three times returns to parliament on Wednesday for debate.


Hadopi : l'UMP, parti pirate !


As Sarkozy Pushes Three Strikes, He Pays Up For His Own Copyright Violations

,----[ Quote ]
| Now, you might hope that this would cause Sarkozy to rethink his stance on
| copyright infringement. Instead, it looks like his political party has simply
| agreed to pay up and make the issue go away, while still pushing for the
| three strikes law. It sounds like they paid about 30,000 euros, which is a
| lot more than the single euro that Sarkozy's party initially offered (yes,
| seriously). No word on whether or not this counts towards the number of
| strikes on Sarkozy's internet connection.


Political Hypocrisy: French President Sued for Copyright Infringement

,----[ Quote ]
| This may very well become the most ironic stories of 2009 in the copyright
| debate. The CBC is reporting that French president Nicolas Sarkozy has been
| sued by an independent band for copyright infringement.


Is Nicholas Sarkozy One Strike Towards Losing His Internet Connection?

,----[ Quote ]
| The latest is that French President, Nicholas Sarkozy, a big supporter of
| setting up a three strikes law in France, is being accused of violating
| copyright law himself.


British Government Violates Copyright

,----[ Quote ]
| As much as I utterly despise the entire premise of Intellectual Monopoly,
| this is about violating the principles of a Free License, and if it's good
| enough for the British government to violate our civil rights in the name of
| Intellectual Monopoly, then it's good enough for the Free World to protect
| its "property" (in fact Freedom) too…


UK government stole website theme

,----[ Quote ]
| NUMBER 10, the UK Prime Minister's website, is apparently built using a
| design it nicked.

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