After takin' a swig o' grog, Homer belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> Try this:
> feh -rFcXsZp -y 160 -E 120 -W 1680 -H 1050 -o collage.png /mnt/pics/
> (Set -W and -H to your usual desktop resolution, and "/mnt/pics" to the
> directory where the pictures are.)
Cool. Add a -z too.
This is what I do when I feel like changing the wallpaper:
feh -z -r -g 1200x800 /usr/local/share/wallpapers/1920x1200 &
and peruse them until I see one that suits my current fancy.
And this is in my .xsession or .fluxbox/startup:
eval `cat $HOME/.fehbg` &
And this is currently in that .fehbg file:
feh --bg-tile
which is generated by rightclicking and selection Background/Tile.
Q: What's a WASP's idea of open-mindedness?
A: Dating a Canadian.