After takin' a swig o' grog, Tim Smith belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> In article <rN21m.59856$b9.50672@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >
>> > Maybe he figures if he starts posting old irrelevant links that have
>> > nothing to do with Microsoft, his old Microsoft information will seem
>> > fresh.
>> Don't blame Roy, Tim. The article is dated June 25th, 2009.
>> Roy didn't follow up any more than you did!
> The article was posted to netguido June 25th, 2009. It was written years
> ago.
You know, you're a real quick study Tim!
Troubled day for virgins over 16 who are beautiful and wealthy and live
in eucalyptus trees.